I'm 24 years young but I've fished in new Hampshire all my life. I love nothing better than to go out at dusk and catch some hornpout. I've started the season so far at powdermill pond in bennington with ok luck so far about 10-20 per trip I use night crawlers for bait but anything that stinks and can fit in their mouth will do just fine. I fish from both the front running along 202 as well as from boat more toward the backside by the train bridge. I recommend throwing a couple cans of cat food in the morning before you go out to lure them in but tie a string on the pull tab so u can pull them back in when your done otherwise your littering. Good luck to u all I will post pictures up the next trip and post more info on spots that are hitting good this summer as I fish them

Posted Mon Jun 18, 2012 4:17 pm

I have been unable to make it out fishing yet this year, but today is a new day, taking the kids out for some all night Poutin. It always have a great time at night.

I Live in the Keene area. When I was a little kid around 10-12 my father used to take me to a secluded lake up an old dirt/gravel road, at the top were concrete pillars you could walk maybe 5 feet or so out to the water on, and there was one lonely lake cabin across the lake. I know it is a longshot. but this is the best chance I have of finding this lake.

If anyone knows of the lake im describing please tell me where it is located. I used to catch about 40-50/night with my father 15 years ago out there, and is really a great place to pout at night.

I have checked several lakes in the area for pictures of this lake. but the closest I come to is Crescent Lake in Acworth/Unity, but im pretty sure it is not that lake. As this was more toward the fitzwilliam/troy area I believe.

Posted Thu Jul 05, 2012 9:02 am

Meetinghouse pond in Marlborough is kinda like that and it was a pretty notorious 'pout pond.

It's down a bumpy dirt road off route 124.

There's a concrete spillover dam with high sides that used to stick out into the water, but they added higher banks to it about 10-12 years ago when they fixed the parking area.

There used to be a cabin on the far side, but that's been gone for well over 15 years. I believe at night you can see the lights from a house up on a hill behind it though.

Here's a good video of the place anyway. Hope this helps.

Posted Sun Jul 15, 2012 4:16 am

Thanks for the reply Chauncey, that pond isn't too far from where I am, but it's not the one i'm looking for, I actually came across some information regarding the pond im looking for but no name yet, It is out past Winchester, towards Warwick. My buddy got directions from an old childhood fishing friend who went with him. once I figure out what the name of it is and go up ill let ya know.

It actually looks kinda like Hastings Pond in Warwick, hard to tell on google earth and back then there was 1 cabin/house but who knows how much the area has been modified since then.

Posted Sun Jul 15, 2012 2:09 pm

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