I personally just got back into fishing, but other then the brook in front of my house I havent fished in New England. I'm 20 min south of Keene just over the line. As much as I'm ITCHING to go back out..its hard to find a good spot that is some what ok for a 2 year old. Even if anyone knows of a good place, but is a distance from here..we both LOVE camping, we're not worried about that!

Posted Sat Jun 23, 2012 11:53 am

Meetinghouse pond in Marlborough is probably one of the best places in your area to take a two year old fishing. You'll have pretty good luck catching pumkinseeds, perch, pickerel, hornpout and crappie with a worm on a hook. You can get to it by taking a left on meetinghouse road off route 124. The road is a little bumpy, but if you go slow and avoid the larger rocks a car can make it without problems. If you park at the first wide open area you come to, by the dam, there's a path to the right that leads along to edge of the pond to a boat ramp further down the road. There's good kibbie fishing everywhere in between. Just don't go swimming because it's full of leeches.

I've fished most of the ponds and lakes in Swanzey, Troy, Keene, Marlborough, Spofford, Chesterfield, Harrisville and Dublin, so I can give you a few more fishing spots when I have more time.

Posted Mon Jun 25, 2012 7:46 am

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